Friday, March 14, 2008

More on Students

I must continue talking about the students. It is fascinating. I had lunch with 4 young ladies from my junior level class. Lunch means pushing you way through the cafeteria with two million other students (the faculty have their own area offset from the students). These students-Miranda, Susan, Penny, and Margaret were their English names- were all 21. I would characterize them as looking like high school girls. The majority of girls walk around arm-in-arm-somr have stuffed animals in class. They were given their names in one of their first English classes in grade school.

Well, I asked how they got into the mechanical engineering program. They all said it was not their choice. One said English was her first choice, another medical. But they did not score high enough on the entrance test. So, the computer randomly assigned them to engineering. Amazing!

I gave a quiz Thursday and everyone sits close together of course. Well, some were just copying their friend's papers. I was right there watching. Another had the notes on her lap and was copying. I won't even bother grading that one. According to the Chinese faculty, they place most of the grade on the final test. The final test is where we will separate the students so they can not copy. Very different.

I am suppose to talk with the engineering deans next week about a cooperative program with OIT to have cohorts of students come over for their senior year. They would have to take about 60 quarter credits in residence and then they could receive an OIT degree plus a Shanghai Normal degree.

By the way, I cannot read comments posted to this site for some reason. If there is a trick let me know.


Unknown said...

Like I said in another comment, I certainly have an entirely different perspective on the Asian student now. Maybe a greater respect for our own education philosophy? I also wonder how high honesty ranks in China?

Unknown said...

What a difference in the education system. Very interesting. I can't believe someone had their notes out during a quiz...we could probably teach them to at least be more subtle about cheating! :)