Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Flight from hell

Well, as I progress in my continuing adventure to Shanghai, China I will relay my travel woes. I might warn you that if you have a weak stomach to WALK AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER NOW. Well don't say I didn't warn you.

My flight Friday, February 29th from Portland to Tokoyo was very good. They served two complete meals that tasted great. My 2-hour layover in Tokoyo was good also, they had free internet and I was able to do some conference paper work. The 3-hour flight from Tokoyo to Shanghai began as expected....I fell asleep during takeoff.

As I awoke I felt a little ill. I readjused myself but just kept getting worse. All sorts of things started running through my mind. I happened to notice that I was about 30 rows back from the bathroom. Well, as I was in deep contemplation, they began to serve a meal with a big cart in the isle (sp?). I began to consider my options. number one was to find that little bag...yes I found it. Being in an isle seat I thought how I could use the bag without anyuone knowing. Not a chance! Then I considered a mad dash around the cart, having to jump over a passenger. Probably not an option. By then the cart was right by my arm. Since I was sweating, the cold metal felt good. It was gone. Now the dash. 30 rows, walking calmly. But alas, false alarm. I did stand around for about 10 minutes waiting for whatever.

Back to the seat. The feeling started up again...why me I thought. Well, false alarm again. The forth time was a charm. Partial success (won't go into details, but I didn't loose my lunch).

The fifth time, something was up, I made a mad dash to the head and luckily for me the door showed green, meaning no one there. Wow, what a break. All I can say is that little hole was not in any way big enough!

I made it, and my "facilitator" was waiting form me. The ride to the guest house was verry uncomfortable. Small talk when you feel like "*!*!*!" is not enjoyable. Turns out it must have been food poisoning from the night before I left. Cindi also got it.


Unknown said...

I can only imagine what you had to endure since I was camped out in our "cushy" bathroom all night long with three overnight guests in the house who hadn't a clue I was ill!

Unknown said...

Your flight didn't sound so fun! I hope you are feeling better.